


  • 我們願努力為全院學生、教職員提供更優質的學習、生活與工作環境。
  • 我們管理教育的主軸工作是:「專業」(Expertise)與「倫理」(Ethics)並重;換言之,管院除教育學生專業知識外,同時極為重視倫理教育。
  • 基於以上管理教育主軸-「兩個E」的認知,在教育方法上,我們將著力在另外「三個E」的重點工作。首先,教育心態上,請老師用「同理心(Empathy)對待學生,以滿足學生需求;第二,教育過程中,請老師重視對學生「情緒」(Emotion)的教育,以養成良好的人際關係;第三,教育成果上,管院重視對學生學習與老師教學的「評估」(Evaluation)。
  • 在以上「五個E」(5 E’s)的導引與落實執行下,管理學院期盼,培養出來的大學生與研究生都是專業能力與倫理道德兼備的管理菁英;不過,我們也不會疏忽努力去提升所有教職員在職場環境的工作滿足感。
  • 我們將加強「跨學門領域」(Interdisciplinary)的教學,訓練大學生與研究生們擁有「挖掘問題」(Pathfinding),進而「解決問題」(Problem solving),最後「實現具體成果」(Implementing)的能力。
  • 在這一系列跨學門訓練中,我們期盼建立學生「責任感」與「倫理觀」,這是管理菁英必備的兩大要件。
  • 我們深信,管院這個大家庭內的成員包括學生與教職員們都一起努力提升「自我發展」(Self-development)能力的話,除靜宜大學大學教育的功能可望更強化,同時,整個社會與國家人力資源的發揮與貢獻也可望更有效、更堅實。

Credo of the College of Management

  • We are willing to provide better learning and working environments for students and the staff of the College.
  • The main jobs of our managerial teaching lie in ‘EXPERTISE’ and ‘ETHICS’. Namely, we not only impart professional knowledge to students but also highly emphasize on ethical education.
  • Based on the managerial teaching of the ‘2Es’ (‘EXPERTISE’ and ‘ETHICS’), we also dedicate ourselves to the ‘3Es’ in the instructional method. First, concerning attitude, teachers are requested to treat students with the ‘EMPATHY’ attitude to satisfy students’ demand. Second, during schooling, teachers are requested to stress on the ‘EMOTHION’ education to develop good human relationship of students. Last, concerning the teaching result, we emphasize the ‘EVALUATION’ on both students’ learning and teachers’ instruction.
  • Through leading and practicing the ‘5Es’, we hope to cultivate undergraduates and graduates into managerial elites with expertise ability and ethical character. Furthermore, we also dedicate to promote the job satisfaction of the staff in the College.
  • We will enrich the teaching of ‘INTERDISCIPLINARY’ to equip our undergraduates and graduates with the abilities of ‘PATHFINDING’, ‘PROBLEMSOLVING’ and ‘IMPLEMENTING’.
  • Through interdisciplinary training, we hope to establish in students ‘THE SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY’ and ‘THE VALUE OF ETHICS’, two critical elements of managerial elites.
  • We believe that if each member in the College of Management, including students and the staff, can promote his/her ability of ‘SELF-DEVELOPMENT’, the educational function of Providence University will also be strengthened. Simultaneously, it will be helpful for the society and the country concerning the development and devotion of human resources.